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Dementia & Alleviating Family Stress


Is your loved one struggling with dementia? Living with dementia can be a quite frustrating experience.

Dementia can make daily tasks very stressful and frustrating. It can even be harmful if it intervenes in you or your loved one remembering to take important medications or even forgetting to do daily tasks or hygiene procedures. In these cases, having a caretaker around can be very helpful.

If you think a loved one may be suffering from dementia, it is important to assess the situation and consult a licensed medical professional. If there is an onset, there are many measures that can be taken to make living with dementia a smoother and safer experience.

In this article, we will discuss some of these measures and signs that your loved one suffering from dementia would benefit from having a caregiver by their side.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a condition characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgement.

The Dangers of Dementia and How a Caretaker can Assist

  • Loss of Balance

As individuals age, it is common for them to gradually lose their balance and be more susceptible to falls. This, however, is even more prevalent for elders with dementia.

It is important that if you know a loved one suffers from dementia or if you yourself have it, to remove any potential hazards from the home.

Potential hazards include lack of railing on stairways, loose rugs, ramps, and messy rooms to name a few.

Having a homemaker companion can be very beneficial in the prevention of falls due to lack of balance. This is because they can be there to provide supervision when you or your loved one is roaming around the house and be able to prevent any potential falls.

It is also possible that dementia can make individuals more susceptible to leaving messes around the house due to forgetting to clean up. In these cases, an in-home caregiver can be there to pick up things on the floor that can be of hazard and help maintain a safe environment in the home.

  • Insensitivity to Temperature

Those who have dementia may not always be able to tell if the things they are coming into contact with are too hot or too old.

This can be a problem if, for example, they take a shower and accidently make it too hot and burn their skin without being able to realize what they are doing. The temperature of the water heater should be turned down to prevent this.

Another problem That could arise from this is when eating. Someone with dementia might accidently make their food too hot and not realize how hot it is while eating. Having a home health caretaker by their side could be very beneficial in these instances, as they can be there to ensure that they are eating food that is a healthy temperature and won't burn their skin with burning water in the shower.

  • Medications and Other Substances

It is a common thing for individuals with dementia to mistake decorative plants and fruits for real food and try to eat them. It is a good idea to not have any of these around in the event that you have seen this happen.

Medications can also be a dangerous process for those with dementia. An individual could have forgotten if they have already taken certain medications or what the required doses of medications are, which creates a risk of overdose. This could happen with over-the-counter pills, as well. It is best to have a home health aide to assist with basic medication administration.

Additionally, having things like cleaning products lying around can also be hazardous if the individual tries to consume it. A caretaker can also be of assistance in making sure all these products are out of reach.

  • Wandering

Wandering and forgetting where you are and how to get back home can be a hazardous issue for those suffering from dementia. A great way to prevent this might be for a home health caretaker to drive them to their appointments and errands so they don’t get lost on their way there or back home.

  • Depression

Depression is something that can be onset by dementia due to the frustration that can arise from so many differences appearing in one’s life. Having a caretaker around could help ease this by providing emotional support and comfort and help to be there for them through this stage of life.

Overall, dementia can be a challenging journey, and there are many things that begin to change in the lives of the individuals who experience it. It also has a heavy impact on the family as they normally have to scramble to try and put life’s pieces back together for the family member that recently started suffering.

A licensed home health agency, and its care team, can be the glue that helps hold the pieces back in place. Caretakers can be there to take note of behavioral changes and assess possible care plans to help you or your loved one navigate this path as smoothly, safely, and happily as possible.

If you are interested in possibly hiring a home health caregiver in the Palm Beach area, or are simply searching for more information on home health care, Unified Pledge Home Health, is here to offer a FREE consultation to review your situation and provide solutions as to what type of care is best for your particular situation.

Hiring professionals from Unified Pledge comes with the following advantages:

  • Level II FBI background checks of all staff

  • Driving history checks

  • Companions, Health Aides, LPNs are our direct employees and not independent contractors

  • Constant communication to patients, family, and care team

  • Registered Nurse supervision is ongoing with every care plan

Contact us today for a FREE consultation by Supervisory Nurse at 561-910-8770.

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